Tag Archives: cape primrose

Six Easy-to-Grow Colorful Blooming Plants to Enliven your Indoor Space

By Laurelynn Martin and Byron Martin

Abutilon 'Red Tiger'  (Abutilon hybrid)

Abutilon ‘Red Tiger’ (Abutilon hybrid)

As we prepare for winter and the colder days ahead, there are some colorful plants that can help ease the transition from one season to the next. While your outdoor plants are going to sleep for the winter, these indoor beauties are just waking up and putting on a festive floral show.
Some of our most colorful and favorite everblooming plants are:

1- Cape Primrose (Streptocarpus)- Most of our Cape Primroses will bloom 12 months of the year and several varieties, like our ‘Purple Panda,’ have outstanding two-toned flowers. Plus, their long velvety leaves are welcome greenery to the contrasting fall colors outside. Our newest variety, called ‘Roulette Cherry,’ has flowers that majestically rise above the foliage on elegant flower stems. Give these beauties partial sun to bright indirect light and do not get water on their leaves and they will delight your senses year-round.

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Filed under Container plants, gardenia, Indoor, seasonal care, winter bloomers